It's a day for tea (Earl Gray), a good book (South of Broad), some laundry spinning around in the dryer (fresh jeans to put on warm after my shower)and kitties curled up snuggly in little kitty balls napping. Soup on the stove for dinner and that wonderful feeling after talking to my BFF that I do have the power to be the person I want to be. I don't know if she knows she has that influence on me or not, but she does. I have lots of tools for making positive moves in a good direction, but she infuses me with the belief that I can do it.
I am making this a homemade Christmas this year. I did that long ago, and times of more affluence moved me from that spot. This year I find myself thinking about what I want to make, and I feel so blessed to have creative options! The better part is, I have family and friends to make gifts for and the making of their presents causes me to think of them more. In this busy time of year, I hope you will find yourself taking time with a cup of tea to just sit back and think about why the people you love are important to your life.
Hi Deborah -
What a beautiful post. It is such a gift to have someone in your life who confirms those things that you already know about yourself but sometimes need to hear from another person. You are a wonderful, warm, giving soul, and a blessing to have in my life.
:-) Molly
O I Heart you back!
Ok, let's flash back to another homemade apartment...making padded christmas fabric picture frames. We've been at this a long time!
OMG, I had forgotten about those picture frames, but it was fun wasn't it! Yes, we have been at it for a long time, that's part of the blessing of our friendship! Love you!
Hi Deborah! I have been checking in on your blog from time to time and really enjoy your posts. It is so good to catch up with you. The opening pictures of the rocks are similar to an arch Chris and I made in the backyard from stones not used in our recent steps and walk project. Yours is better. Happy Holidays to you, J, all the cats and the rest of the family.
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