Monday, November 30, 2009

Home from the turkey feasting . . .

It is feeling good to sit and chat for a minute as I sip my vanilla nut coffee, watching the setting sun blaze across the dining room wall, and looking forward to working on my Christmas cards tonight. I am a creative person, but I have never had the desire to make my own cards. However, I love to buy cards for other people. I especially like to sit and write notes in my Christmas cards. The start of the Christmas season started the day after Thanksgiving for me. Since my dad died 20 years ago, I lost my huge love of all things Christmas. My dad would not have wanted that for me, but I really miss his presence at the Christmas holiday time and have gone years without decorating the house or putting up the tree. This year I think I want to put up the tree. Merry Christmas, Dad.

1 comment:

Tamsie said...

a beautiful post. love you.