Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A view of the little art room in the back . . .

I forget whose blog I was looking at recently, but they posted pictures of their art room. I thought while mine is cleaned up I would take some pics and post for your viewing pleasure! To give you an update on the frozen Charlotte dolls, I drove the 50 miles to Whimzy only to find the store dark and the door locked - they are on vacation until the middle of the month!! I can only hope they went to Paris on vacation and are busy finding cool treasures for us to purchase for our future art projects!


beautifullybrokenme said...

Hi Deborah -

I love your room! What fun things to look at and surround yourself with - very inspirational!

Have a great weekend!

:-) Molly

Tamsie said...

A room fit for a queen or a spread in a magazine! It looks just as cool as it is!
So, while you're off playing..I'm here at work. I did have the morning off and got a ton accomplished. Working until 6..but it's usually quiet from 3 on.
The sun is out and I can tell spring is here. Yipee!

Doreen said...

Maybe it was my room you saw. I took my pictures when the room was totally organize. This is a once in a lifetime event!

Fanciful Expressions said...

It's a lovely room! It looks comfortable and you have plenty of inspiration all around you.

Have a Happy Easter.
