Friday, June 27, 2008

Live life, Inspired to dance . . .

Today I was working on a little candy tin piece and I was blocked about layering within this piece to get the look I want. I took my walk, no inspiration sprang forth from that activity, but I did work out a very cool texture process using aluminum flashing, chemical patina, beeswax & mica powders! I don't know where that will take me, but I am happy with the piece of metal I created. I'm thinking possibly I can use it in the jewelry challenge somewhere down the road.
The picture I am posting today is the second one I created after reading Kelly Rae's article in Cloth Paper Scissors. I don't know what it is about these girls, but I don't seem to be able to paint enough of them! I keep tweaking them as time goes by, adding shading, elements, etc. There is something very therapeutic in creating them.
Happiness awaits me tomorrow as my BFF celebrates her birthday and we get to open her presents in the morning on the phone. I love our birthday ritual of sending gifts which we put out and look at all wrapped up for several days, and then on our birthday morning, with coffee in hand, we call and open our gifts. I love celebrating life with my BFF!!!
I am still thinking of the 5 things we need to be grateful for and today mine are:
My Best Friend
Little Kitties who love spending time with me in the little art room in the back
The thought of recreating my home to be the home that nurtures my dreams
The color green
Artists Blog sites which inspire

What are your five today?

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