This morning I was reading my one of my favorite books and this line jumped out at me: "Let quietness be in your heart today, peace be in your soul." I just really love the cadence of this sentence. I thought this would make a wonderful replacement for my typical, "Have a good day.", but my BFF suggested I may want to rethink that! I guess I will just keep it as silent mantra for traffic jams and long grocery lines! I wouldn't be surprised to see it show up in one or two of my pieces of art one day, though.
I taught class this weekend, and one of my students was given the class as a birthday present from her friend. That really touched my heart. I have been working on my journals for the gallery and will deliver them tomorrow. I have been having fun with them and want to make more when this batch is done to have on hand for future shows.
I know we are getting ready for the Thanksgiving holiday this week, so I want to wish all of you that quietness in your heart and the peace in your soul as you celebrate your gratitude for your journey. I'll catch up with you all next week! Hugs from me to you!